How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over

When choosing the best coffee beans for pour over, there are several factors to consider that can affect the flavour and overall experience of your brew. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Freshness: Freshly roasted coffee beans are ideal for pour-over brewing. Coffee beans start to lose their freshness and flavour shortly after roasting, so it's best to use beans that have been roasted within a few weeks of purchase. Look for a roast date on the packaging, and aim to use beans within a month or two of roasting.

    Make sure you don’t use beans that are too fresh either. Once roasted, the beans go through a degassing phase which can typically take 2 to 5 days for light to medium roasts, and up to a week for darker roasts.

  2. Roast Level: The roast level of the coffee beans can significantly impact the flavour profile of the resulting brew and it can be complex determining the best roast for pour over. Lighter roasts tend to preserve the unique flavours of the coffee beans, while darker roasts can have a more robust and intense flavour with notes of caramelization. The choice of roast level is a matter of personal preference, but many pour-over enthusiasts prefer medium to medium-light roasts to highlight the nuances of the beans.

  3. Origin and Variety: The origin and variety of the coffee beans can also influence the flavour profile. Different regions and varieties of coffee beans have distinct flavour characteristics. For example, beans from Ethiopia are known for their fruity and floral notes, while beans from Central America often have a balanced flavour profile with notes of chocolate and nuts. Experimenting with different origins and varieties can add variety and depth to your pour-over experience.

  4. Grind Size: The grind size of the coffee beans is crucial for pour-over brewing. The grind size should be medium-fine, similar to table salt. A consistent grind size is essential for even extraction and optimal flavour. Avoid pre-ground coffee if possible, as it tends to lose freshness more quickly.

    A good burr grinder such as the Baratza Encore or Breville Smart Grinder Pro are great choices to include in your setup.

  5. Sourcing: Consider the sourcing and ethical practices of the coffee beans. Many coffee roasters prioritize sustainable and fair trade practices, which can be an important factor for some consumers.

Ultimately, the best coffee beans for pour-over coffee are those that align with your personal taste preferences. Experimenting with different beans, roast levels, and origins can help you discover the flavours and profiles that you enjoy most.


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